123 | cybe3427 | mikel.morillo@windeurope.org | 123 | Shah | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
124 | IdentiFlight | mikel.morillo@windeurope.org | Mikel | Morillo | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
25 | sownderturbo | sownderturbocoy@seegetaway.site | Ada | Hebert | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
2EN SA | 2en12345 | ipanour@2en.gr | Ioannis | Panourgias | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
3E | casenv | marketing@3E.eu | Cassandra | Ramalho | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
3S Lift | katrapseu | katharina.rapp@3seurope.de | Katharina | Rapp | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
3WIS | Christina Beck | mia.dragojlovic@windeurope.org | Christina | Beck | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
55 | ironbootslive | ironbootsliveafz@showersformal.site | Arianny | Callahan | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
8.2 The Experts in Renewable Energy | gishofthe | gisela.hoffmann@8p2.de | Gisela | Hoffmann | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
A/S Dan-Bunkering Ltd. | jenkirasd | jsk@dan-bunkering.com | Jens | Kirk | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
ABB | danrodabb | daniel.rodriguez@es.abb.com | Daniel | Rodriguez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
ABL Group | stenasloc | stephanie.nash@abl-group.com | Stephanie | Nash | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
ABO Wind | abowind | malte.rossel@abo-wind.de | Malte | Rossel | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
ACCIONA | clfernandez | clfernandez@acciona.com | Claudia | Fernandez Garcia | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
ACSM | ACSM3223 | dpaolini@acsmships.com | Dario | Paolini | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Acta Marine | ActaMarine | m.soetens@actamarine.com | Myrthe | Soetens | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Acteon | events@acteon.com | pamela.nicholson@acteon.com | Pamela | Nicholson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
ADVENTIS | adve5958 | r.solano@adventisolutions.com | Ricardo | Solano | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
AEE- Spanish Wind Energy Association | aeex5536 | pnunez@aeeolica.org | Piluca | Núñez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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Aero Enterprise | Aero Enterprise | marketing@aero-enterprise.com | Alexandra | Birsan | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
aerodyn engineering gmbh | Aerodyn engineering germany | S.siegfriedsen@aerodyn-engineering.com | Soenke | Siegfriedsen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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Aerones | karlis | karlis.upsavs@aerones.com | Kārlis | Upsavs | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Aerones Engineering SIA | Aerones | vineta.veismane@aerones.com | Vineta | Veismane | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
AEROX ADVANCED POLYMERS | AEROX | itorrijos@qmc.es | IVAN | TORRIJOS | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
AFF Windservices | AFF windservices | afonsofaria@aff-windservices.com | Afonso | Faria | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
AFRY | AFRY | mia.dragojlovic@windeurope.org | Celine | Ummels | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Agoria Energy Technology Club / Flanders Investment & Trade | frabae1 | frank.baeyens@fitagency.be | Frank | Baeyens | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
AGUADO | agua8785 | marioaguado@aguadowind.com | Mario | Aguado | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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Airbus | leschaair | leslie.chauvin@airbus.com | Leslie | Chauvin | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
AIRPES S.L | airp7918 | mireia.jara@thecrosbygroup.com | Mireia | Jara Moreno | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Airpes S.L | mirair | m.moreno@airpes.com | MIREIA | JARA | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Akuray Renewable Technologies | mickoaku | mko@akuray.com | Michelle | Ko | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
AkzoNobel | akzo4395 | Louise.Franks2@theapsgroup.com | Louise | Franks | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
AkzoNobel International Paint | Grahat02 | tracy.graham@akzonobel.com | Tracy | Graham | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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ALE | ALE | c.saunders@ale-heavylift.com | claire | saunders | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Alerion Clean Power | aler3788 | jacobo.alvarez@alerion.es | Jacobo | Alvarez Correa | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Alpha Offshore Service A/S | katmacspa | niall.smith@sparrowsgroup.com | Niall | Smith | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
ALUCOR | Marco.broer.alucor | Marco.broer@alucor.com | Marco | Broer | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Amara-e | solcasama | sfcastro@amara.es | Sol | Fernández | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
AMPACIMON | nicneuamp | adeline.dieu@ampacimon.com | Adeline | Dieu | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Ampelmann | flehelamp | mina.nacheva@ampelmann.nl | Mina | Nacheva | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
AMPER GROUP | AMPE2365 | marketing@grupoamper.com | Cristina | Alconada | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Amprion | Amprion GmbH | theresa.guenther@amprion.net | Theresa | Günther | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
ANETVA | ANETVA | administracion@anetva.org | CARMEN | RODRIGUEZ | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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Ansys | ansy6438 | olivia.giussani@ansys.com | Olivia | Giussani | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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Antala Industria | Antala Industria | albertpuig@antala.es | Albert | Puig | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
AP Sensing | AP Sensing | jaedyn.matsalla@apsensing.com | Jaedyn | Matsalla | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
APAR INDUSTRIES LTD | apar5945 | sourav.bhattacharya@apar.com | Sourav | Bhattacharya | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Aplicaciones Tecnologicas SA | chernandez | pferrando@at3w.com | Pablo | Ferrando | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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Applus+ Laboratories | appl3922 | Peggy.roubaud@applus.com | Peggy | Roubaud-Terpan | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
AQTECH POWER PROGNOSTICS | thiagokleis | thiago.kleis@aqtech.com | Thiago | Kleis | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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ARBOREA INTELLBIRD | arbo8399 | lfernandez@aracnocoptero.com | LAURA | FERNANDEZ RANCAÑO | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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ARC informatique | fabrigarc | f.rigaud@arcinfo.com | fabien | rigaud | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ArcelorMittal | renbararc | fernandamorozini@gmail.com | fernanda | morozini | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ARCO | alericarc | alex.richards@arco.co.uk | Alex | Richards | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ARETARP LONAS INDUSTRIALES | Jesus Salinas | jsm@embaresa.com | JESÚS | SALINAS | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
ARITEX CADING S.A. | SORINA GUSETU | sorina.gusetu@aritex-es.com | SORINA | GUSETU | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
ARTIFICIAL VISION | arti8457 | ahernandez@airelectronics.es | Antón | Hernandez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Asian Star Anchor Chain Co.,Ltd. | WilsonGuo | wilson@asac.cn | Wilson | Guo | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
ASIME, The Galician Association of Metal Industries | asim5486 | iria.santamaria@asime.es | Iria | Santamaria | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
ASM Industries | ricmorasm | ctavares@asm-industries.com | Cristiano | Tavares | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Asociación Clúster de Energías Renovables de Navarra | evaivaass | eva.ivanova@enercluster.com | Eva | Ivanova | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Asso.subsea | dimkouass | dkouvaritaki@assogroup.com | Dimitra | Kouvaritaki | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Association of Singapore Marine Industries | asmi | wilson.ang@asmi.com | Wilson | Ang | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Association of Singapore Marine Industries | Jason Tan | jason.tan@asmi.com | Jason | Tan | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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ASTUREX “International Trade Agency of Asturias” | josnovsoc | joseramonnc@asturex.org | jose Ramon | Novoa | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Atlantique Offshore Energy | isahuycha | isabelle.huyghe@chantiers-atlantique.com | Isabelle | HUYGHE | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Atlas Copco Rental Europe | piajonatl | pia.jonassen@dk.atlascopco.com | Pia | Jonassen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Atlas Copco Tools and Assembly Systems | ACToolsSpain | joseph.carnaval@atlascopco.com | Joseph Alexander | Carnaval | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Atlas Professionals | astgroatl | agroenensteijn@atlasprofessionals.com | Aster | Groenensteijn | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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ATOS | mathilde.harnais@atos.net | mathilde.harnais@atos.net | Mathilde | HARNAIS | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ATPI | Johanna Sveinsdottir | johanna.sveinsdottir@atpi.com | Johanna | Sveinsdottir | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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Atten2 Advanced Monitoring Technologies | atte5537 | igrijalbo@atten2.com | Ion | Grijalbo | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Avanti Wind Systems | annlasava | annemette.lassen@alimakgroup.com | Anne Mette | Lassen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Avid Controls, Inc | johnoravi | jnorwood@avidcontrolsinc.com | John | Norwood | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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AXIS | ekomonaxi | ekow.monney@axiscapital.com | Ekow | Monney | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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AXYS | Flidar | akomninou@axys.com | Anastasia | Komninou | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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B&R | petkrobra | peter.kronberger@br-automation.com | Peter | Kronberger | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Bachmann electronic GmbH | karmoobac | karin.moosbrugger@bachmann.info | Karin | Moosbrugger | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Barge Master | elvjanbar | e.jansen@barge-master.com | Elvira | Jansen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Barlovento Applus+ | barlovento2025 | elisa.noli@enertisapplus.com | Elisa | Noli | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Barlovento Recursos Naturales | barl2353 | cgmartinez@barlovento-recursos.com | Conchi | García | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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BASF Construction Solutions GmbH | gesjanbas | gesine.janson@basf.com | Gesine | Janson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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BauWatch Spain | BauWatch Spain | kkim@bauwatch.com | Kristina | Kim | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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BaxEnergy | Baxenergy | lodi@baxenergy.com | Alessandro | Lodi | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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BayernLB | Florian Ernst | florian.ernst@bayernlb.de | Florian | Ernst | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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BayWa r.e. | BayW2249 | theresia.loeffelmeier@baywa-re.com | Theresia | Löffelmeier | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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BAYWA R.E. AG | BayWa r.e. AG | theresia.loeffelmeier@baywa-re.com | Theresia | Löffelmeier | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Bazeport | linnbazeport | linn.sivertsen@bazeport.com | Linn | Sivertsen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG | sargbubec | s.gburek@beckhoff.com | Sarah | Gburek | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Belgian Offshore Cluster | annhuybel | administration@belgianoffshorecluster.be | Dirk | Schelkens | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Belzona | belz4754 | msilva@belzona.com | Marina | Silva | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Bently Nevada | bent2472 | lanair.baker@bhge.com | Lanair | Baker | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Bexco | rudlabbex | rlabeau@bexco.be | Rudi | Labeau | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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BGB | BGB | james.tupper@bgbinnovation.com | James | Tupper | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Biodiv-Wind | Biodiv-Wind | f.santolaria@biodiv-wind.com | Fred | Santolaria | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Bioseco SA | Bioseco | magda.bielawska@bioseco.com | Magda | Bielawska | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Bitbloom | mtinning | mike@bitbloom.tech | Michael | Tinning | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Bladefence | sanheibla | jo.spencer@bladefence.com | Jo | Spencer | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Blade–Made | blad6953 | tonny@newcitizendesign.nl | Antonia | Wormer | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Blastman Robotics Ltd | Blastman | aino.sippala@blastman.fi | Aino | Sippala | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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BLIX Consultancy | BLIXConsultancy | timvandenoort@blixconsultancy.com | Tim | van de Noort | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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BlueFloat Energy | bluefloat2025 | irodrigo@bluefloat.com | Isbael | Rodrigo | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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BlueInvest | BlueInvest | lu_blueinvest@pwc.com | Qian | Zhang | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Bluewater | Bluewater | ellen.neelissen@bluewater.com | Ellen | Neelissen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Boskalis | roswijbag | rosemarijn.wijmans@boskalis.com | Rosemarijn | Wijmans | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Bourbon Subsea Services | paubovbou | paul-gaspard.de-bovis@bourbon-online.com | Paul-Gaspard | de BOVIS | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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BOUYGUES TRAVAUX PUBLICS | HITCHCOCK ELODIE | e.hitchcock@bouygues-construction.com | ELODIE | HITCHCOCK | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Boxkite | boxk9456 | jo@boxkiteanalysis.com | Jo | Colls | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Boxkite Software Ltd. | Boxkite | jo@boxkite.eco | Jo | Colls | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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bp | utarhobpi | sara.jurkowsky@bp.com | Sara | Jurkowsky | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Briggs Marine Contractors | lorovebri | MAddinall@briggsmarine.co.uk | Michelle | Addinall | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Brinckmann | Brinckmann | ail@brinckmanngroup.com | Anne | Larsen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Brinckmann Group | cb@brinckmanngroup.com | cb@brinckmanngroup.com | Carsten | Brinck | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Brüel & Kjaer Vibro | annengbre | anna.engel@bkvibro.com | Anna | Engel | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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BUREAU VERITAS | stephanciniselli | stephan.ciniselli@bureauveritas.com | Stephan Ciniselli | Ciniselli | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Business France | claroubus | cassandra.guerrin@businessfrance.fr | Cassandra | Guerrin | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Business Network for Offshore Wind | betgeibus | bettina@offshorewindus.org | Bettina | Geissbuehler | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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C.A.M.P. Spa | nancurcam | nando.curtoni@camp.it | NANDO | CURTONI | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Cadeler | liskjrcad | mia.dragojlovic@windeurope.org | Lisbet | Kjær | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
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CakeCitron | joana123 | joana.bertrand@windeurope.org | Joana | B | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Campbell Scientific Ltd | camp6627 | Heather.Forster@campbellsci.co.uk | Heather | Forster | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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CAPE Holland | anjspecap | anja@cape-holland.com | Anja | Speelman | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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CAREWIND EUROPE | care5996 | adem.unal@carewindservice.com | Adem | ÜNAL | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Cargostore Worldwide | Nicky Milan | ncm@cargostore.com | Nicky | Milan | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Caruso Jr. Consultoria Ambiental & Consultoria | Caruso | roberto@carusojrea.com.br | Roberto | Araujo | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Castrol Ltd | Castrol Industrial | lrogers@brayleino.co.uk | Laura | Rogers | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Cathie | chrturcat | Christina.Moore@cathiegroup.com | Christina | Moore | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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CEJN | CEJN Iberica | ruben.raja@cejn.com | Rubén | Raja | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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CEJN Danmark | brugaacej | hanne.cowan@cejn.com | Hanne | Cowan | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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CELSA Group™ | Mbarreiro | Mbarreiro@gcelsa.com | Maria Jesús | Barreiro Vazquez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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CENER | cene5735 | vsanmiguel@cener.com | Vicky | San Miguel Elizalde | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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CES SRL | cess2522 | sales@cessrl.com | Dagmara | Kolbusz | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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CGI | fabpancgi | fabien.panou@cgi.com | Fabien | Panou | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Chichén-Itzá | Chichén-Itzá | mia.dragojlovic@windeurope.org | Chiquita | Drago | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
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Chocolat Praline | ChocolatPraline | joana.bertrand@windeurope.org | Joana | Praline | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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CinnamonRoll | Bananayoga12 | mia.dragojlovic@windeurope.org | Stéphanie | Rycken | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
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CITIC HIC Gandara Censa SAU | CITIC CENSA | arturo.otero@citic-censa.com | Arturo | Otero | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Clarion | sewellg | greg.sewell@clarionevents.com | Greg | Sewell | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Clarksons | clarksons | sophie.wilson@clarksons.com | Sophie | Wilson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Clir Renewables | maimcmcli | maya.de-vreeze@clir.eco | Maya | De-Vreeze | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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CLOBOTICS | clobotics | hao.li@clobotics.com | Hao | Li | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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CLS | marduccol | mducons@groupcls.com | DUCONS | MARION | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Cocolait | Cocolait | mia.dragojlovic@windeurope.org | Mia | Dragojlovic | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
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COCONNEX | RohitR | rohitr@cohezia.com | Rohit | R | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
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Coconnex Test | saurabhd | saurabhd@cohezia.com | Saurabh | D | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
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Cognite | steguecha | david.white@cognite.com | David | White | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Comantur SL | coma7662 | ncruz@comantur.net | Nicolás | de la Cruz Ibáñez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Combilift | Combilift | aoife.duffy@combilift.com | Aoife | Duffy | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ConWx | conwx23 | lauma.akmentina@conwx.com | Lauma | Akmentina | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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COORDINADORA INTERNACIONAL DE CARGAS | coor2562 | frojasor@coordinadoraetm.com | Fernanda | Rojas | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
Correll Group | Correll | mikel.morillo@windeurope.org | Deborah | Cunnigham | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
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CORROSION | CORROSION | mavdb@corrosion.nl | Mariëlle | van der Beek | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Cortland Company | melsurcor | melissa.suring@cortlandcompany.com | Melissa | Suring | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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COSCO SHIPPING Heavy Transport | nmintilogliti | nmintilogli@coscoht.com | Nefeli | Mintilogliti | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Covento by Vestas | Covento | amdhi@vestas.com | Amar | Dhesi | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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CTE WIND INTERNATIONAL | CTEW2993 | a.barbier@cte-sa.com | Audrey | Barbier | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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CWHI (CNOOD-Wenchong Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.) | CWHI | christina.hsiao@cssc-cwhi.com | Christina | Hsiao | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
CWind | sardaucwi | Katie.Webster@globalmarine.group | Katie | Webster | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Dacoma ApS | Dacoma ApS | tzl@dacoma-dk.com | Tine | Zøfting-Larsen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Dajin Offshore | Lu Liu | haiwai_liulu@dajin.cn | Lu | Liu | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Damen Shipyards | berwitdam | berdine.de.with@damen.com | Berdine | de With | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Dan-Bunkering A/S | Dan-Bunkering | Nibe@dan-bunkering.com | nicklas | berg | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Davi Promau Srl | stesan1 | lbolognesi@davi.com | Linda | Bolognesi | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Deep Wind Offshore | deep4767 | silje.rodeseike@deepwindoffshore.com | Silje | Rodeseike | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Deepwater EU Ltd | stehandee | steve.hankins@stoprust.com | Steve | Hankins | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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DEGIMA | DEGIMA | lsansegundo@degima.es | LUIS | SAN SEGUNDO | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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DELFOS ENERGY | Delfosenergy | pauline.satiat@delfos.energy | pauline | satiat | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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DEME | sanhamdre | Van.Hamme.Sandra@deme-group.com | Sandra | Van Hamme | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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DENZAI Denmark A/S | thopeaden | t-peake@denzai-eng.com | Thomas | Peake | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Department of Environment, Climate and Communications (Govt. of Ireland Department) | DECC100 | paul.gallagher@decc.gov.ie | Paul | Gallagher | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications | DECC | paul.gallagher@decc.gov.ie | Paul | Gallagher | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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DESCUELGUE Rope Access Services | DESCUELGUE HNOS AZORI SLU | dromero@descuelgue.com | Daniel | Romero | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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DESCUELGUE Rope Access Solutions | Descuelgue | dromero@descuelgue.com | DANIEL | ROMERO AZORÍ | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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DeTect Global | hellewdet | helen.lewis@detect-inc.com | Helen | Lewis | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Deutsche WindGuard | ireburdeu | irene.burkert@windguard.de | Irene | Burkert | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Deutsche Windtechnik AG | d.ponty | d.ponty@deutsche-windtechnik.com | Dominic | Ponty | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Dewesoft ApS | Dewesoft | carsten.stjernfelt@dewesoft.com | Carsten | Stjernfelt | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Diatom A/S | asthardia | ah@diatom.dk | Astrid | Søndergaard Harkjær | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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DIgSILENT GmbH | digs7896 | c.koenig@digsilent.de | Claudia | Koenig | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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DJI ARS Madrid | DJI ARS MADRID | web@djiarsmadrid.com | Paolo | Cosi | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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DNV | valeriabanus | valeria.banus@dnv.com | Valeria | Banus | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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DNV | DNV | sigrid.rubin@dnv.com | Sigrid | Rubin | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Dogram | dogr6783 | abel@dogram.es | Abel | Guerrero Gomez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Dongfang Electric Wind Power Co., Ltd. | leixudon | xulei@shlongwind.com | Lei | Xu | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Dornier Group | tolzkador | tolga.ozkarakas@dornier-group.com | Tolga | Ozkarakas | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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DroneBase | DroneBase | harald.paul@dronebase.com | Harald | Paul | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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DTBird & DTBat | milbonliq | mbonacchi@dtbird.com | Milagros | Bonacchi | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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DTU Wind Energy | anewerdtu | awer@dtu.dk | anette | werner | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Dubai Cable Company (Ducab) | kawfaldub | kawthar.alfalasi@ducab.com | Kawthar | Al Falasi | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Dutch Village | nwea24 | brennus.vanos@nwea.nl | Brennus | van Os van den Abeelen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Dynabrade Europe | Dynabrade | olivier@dynabrade.lu | Olivier | Balbeur | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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e-BO Enterprises | manondeneckere | manon.deneckere@ebo-enterprises.com | Manon | Deneckere | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Eager.one | ckiszer | c.kiszer@eager.one | Caroline | Kiszer | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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East of England Energy Zone | robwilnor | roberta.willner@norfolk.gov.uk | Roberta | Willner | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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EasyQote | lauhalsto | laura.hall@sealforlife.com | Laura | Hall | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ECN part of TNO | ecnt7377 | arline.vendel@tno.nl | Arline | Vendel | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ECOncrete | sameconcrete | phil@econcretetech.com | Phil | Leblanc | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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EERA JP Wind | EERAJPWind | f.riccionicapelli@eera-set.eu | Flaminia | Riccioni Capelli | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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EEW Special Pipe Constructions GmbH | natfrseew | natalie.foerster@eew-group.com | Natalie | Förster | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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EEX | eexx5283 | katja.radeck@eex.com | Katja | Radeck | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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EIC Pavilion | camillatew | camilla.tew@the-eic.com | camilla | tew | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Elia Group | marvaneli | Marleen.Vanhecke@elia.be | Marleen | Vanhecke | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ellis Patents Ltd | Ellis | gdonoghue@ellispatents.co.uk | Georgette | Donoghue | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Emerson | Emerson | Tina.Kristoffersen@emerson.com | Tina | Kristoffersen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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EMOBI GROUP | emob5484 | gbergareche@emobi.es | Guillermo | Bergareche Gandarias | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG | monltzenb | m.luetzerath@enbw.com | Monika | Lützerath | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Endiprev Group S.A. | tiaornend | tornelas@endiprev.com | Tiago | Ornelas | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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endity | itzgorend | i.gorrotxategi@danobatgroup.com | Itziar | Gorrotxategi | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Enercluster | Enercluster Navarra | eva.ivanova@enercluster.com | Eva | Ivanova | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ENERCLUSTER - WIND ENERGY CLUSTER OF NAVARRE | enercluster | javier.villanueva@enercluster.com | Javier | Villanueva Latorre | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ENERCON GmbH | marradene | Marilena.Madderken@enercon.de | Marilena | Madderken | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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energy consult GmbH | energy_consult | inula.gregersen@pne-ag.com | Inula | Gregersen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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EnergyMetric | EnergyMetric | j.ansell@the-iea.org | Jo | Ansell | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ENERPAC | erirooene | erik.roos@enerpac.com | Erik | Roos | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ENERTRONIC S.A. | ener6276 | egomez@enertronic.es | Eduardo Gomez | Luengo | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ENGIE | oliraseng | olivier.rasquinet@external.engie.com | Olivier | Rasquinet | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Engiso Engineered Solutions | Emil Christensen | ec@engiso.com | Emil | Christensen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ENSIA | ENSIA | alperkalayci@ensia.org.tr | Alper | KALAYCI | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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EOLFI | evacrieol | eva.crincket@eolfi.com | EVA | CRINCKET | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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eologix sensor technology gmbh | thoscheol | esther.jobst@eologix.com | Esther | Jobst | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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EOLOS | julhareol | julian.harland@eolossolutions.com | Julian | Harland | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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EPER METALLIC SOLUTIONS SL | eper31592 | ANDREA.SANCHEZ@EPERSL.COM | ANDREA | SANCHEZ | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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EPSILINE | murdaweps | mdawson@epsiline.com | Murray | Dawson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Eptune Engineering | eptu3777 | pedro.loureiro@eptune-engineering.com | Joao | Loureiro | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Equinor | vegkolequ | lihje@equinor.com | Lise Clausen Hjelle | Clausen Hjelle | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ERM | erm.harriett | ulrike.wohlschiess@erm.com | Ulrike | Wohlschiess | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ERM | Katie Trower | katie.trower@erm.com | Katie | Trower | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Errigal Training Centre | erri8598 | noreen@errigaltraining.ie | Noreen | Veldman | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ESS, Inc | susannrivera | susann@teamsrc.com | susann | Rivera | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ESVAGT | marjesesv | msj@esvagt.com | Martin | Schou Jessen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Euroports | Marika Pulliainen | marika.levin@euroports.com | Marika | Levin | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Eurowind Energy | Eurowind Energy | gms@ewe.dk | Gitte | Munkholm Stadsgaard | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Everlux | joofigeve | diana-baptista@everlux.eu | Diana | Baptista | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Eviden | a.jeandot | mathilde.harnais@eviden.com | Mathilde | Harnais | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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EVIDENT Europe GmbH | martina.steincova | martina.steincova@evidentscientific.com | Martina | Steincova | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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EVIDENT Europe GmbH | Beatriz | beatriz.oterolopez@evidentscientific.com | Beatriz | Otero | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Exsto | exst2468 | jmartinez-fernandez@exsto.com | Julia | Martinez Fernandez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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FACCIN GROUP | donfumfac | marketing@faccin.com | Donatella | Fumagalli | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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FEBUS Optics | febu5246 | cathy.lapeyre@febus-optics.com | Cathy | LAPEYRE | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Federal-Mogul Deva | Federal-Mogul Deva GmbH | batuhan.tascioglu@tenneco.com | Batuhan | Tascioglu | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ferrovial | Ferrovial | ias@ferrovial.com | irene | Astorqui | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Fibersail | Fibe6616 | carlos.oliveira@fibersail.com | Carlos | Oliveira | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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FICEP | aleperfic | marketing@ficep.it | Alessandra | Perego | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Fineplan | Fineplan | hamid.gholami@fineplan.co.uk | Hamid | Gholami | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Finework (Hunan) New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. | fine4545 | echo-yslh@qq.com | Echo | Zhao | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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First Airborne | itaymor | itay.mor@firstairborne.com | Itay | Mor | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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First Subsea | ellspefir | ElliceS@firstsubsea.com | Ellice | Spencer | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Fisair | fisa2827 | mdominguez@fisair.com | Mar | Dominguez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Flame Spray | andchifla | andrea.chierichetti@flamespray.org | Andrea | Chierichetti | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Flaminia Riccioni Capelli | EERA JP Wind | f.riccionicapelli@eera-set.eu | Flaminia | Riccioni Capelli | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Fleximaus GmbH | Fleximaus | jochen.roessler@fleximaus.de | Jochen | Rößler | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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FloatMast | floa6547 | a.malafouri@floatmast.com | Anastasia | Malafouri | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Flucto | fluc3694 | aljoscha@flucto.tech | Aljoscha | Sander | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Fluence Energy GmbH | Fluence | ariana.cardoso@fluenceenergy.com | Ariana | Cardoso | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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FORESIGHT Climate & Energy | kasper@foresightdk.com | kasper@foresightdk.com | Kasper | Thejll-Karstensen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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FOSROC | fosr8382 | claudia.perez@fosroc.com | Claudia | Perez Arieta-Araunabeña | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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France Energies Marines | France Energies Marines | melusine.gaillard@france-energies-marines.org | Mélusine | GAILLARD | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Franklin Offshore Europe BV | Franklin | saskia.verschoor@franklineurope.nl | Saskia | Verschoor | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Fred Olsen Windcarrier | soph.aspfred | sophie.asp@fredolsen.com | Sophie | Asp | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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FreedomGRESS | free4996 | evgeniia.prorekhina@freedom-gress.com | Evgeniia | Prorekhina | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Freen OÜ | freen | ks@freen.com | Kate | Samedova | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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FrenchFries | FrenchFries | joana.bertrand@windeurope.org | Ketchup | Sauce | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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FUCHS Europoles Wind GmbH | FUCHS | n.fuerst@fuchs-soehne.de | Nancy | Fürst | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Fugro | annlaffug | a.lafeber@fugro.com | Anneke | Lafeber | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Fujian Fuchuan Yifan New Energy Equipment Manufacturing | nicchefuj | nicole.chen@ffyne.cn | Nicole | Chen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Full Circle Wind Services | FullCircleWindServices | a.brzozowska@fullcirclewindservices.com | Aga | Brzozowska | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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FuturENERGY | futu8923 | portiz@futurenergyweb.com | Puri | Ortiz | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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FutureOn | futureon2002 | graeme.f@futureon.com | Graeme | Fraser | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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FØN Energy Services | nikstafne | nikolaj.stald@fonenergyservices.com | Nikolaj | Stald | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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G Y G | gygy5656 | mmaldonado@geoygeo.com | MAGALI ESTEFANY | MALDONADO FLORES | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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G2WIND | g2wi4883 | asier.tejerina@g2wind.com | Asier | Tejerina | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Gazelle Wind Power Ltd | Gazelle Wind Events | adrian.haworth@gazellewindpower.com | Adrian | Haworth | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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GE VERNOVA | GE.vernova | krista.carroll@ge.com | Krista | Carroll | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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GEM | GEM2023 | yichen.ma@gemigeo.com | Yichen | Ma | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Gencal | ahmetgencal | ahmetgencal@gmail.com | Ahmet Murat | Gencal | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Generadron innovación S.L. | gene2567 | alejandro.avila@aeromedia.es | Alejandro | Avila | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Geo-4D | geo.4D | marketing@geo-4d.com | Sarah | Quibell | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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GEOxyz | GEOxyz | laura.ghyselinck@geoxyz.eu | Laura | Ghyselinck | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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GES - Global Energy Services | GESG5777 | vescribano@services-ges.com | Verónica | Escribano | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Technologieförderung Rostock GmbH | benchrges | christoffer@rostock-business.de | Bent | Christoffer | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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GEV Group | gevg3474 | alastair.gadney@gevgroup.com | Alastair | Gadney | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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GIMAS GIRGIN MAKINE | GIMAS | akaravardar@gimas.gen.tr | AYMİLA | KARAVARDAR | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) | rikpovglo | rikke.povlsen@gwec.net | Rikke | Gørup Povlsen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Globalstar Europe | gsta2987 | gavan.murphy@globalstar.com | Gavan | Murphy | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Glual Energy | Glual Energy | j.garmendia@glual.com | Joseba | Garmendia | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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GOIMEK | goim5876 | l.rodriguez@goimek.com | LEIRE | RODRIGUEZ | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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GONDAN Shipbuilders | nadserast | ns@gondan.com | Nadia | Serantes | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
GP Reblade Sp.z o.o. | jakkosgpr | kosinski@gp-renewables.energy | Jakub | Kosinski | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
Graebener | Graebener | s.rohde@graebener.com | Sabrina | Rohde | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Green by Iceland | Birta Kristin Helgadottir | birta@green.is | Birta Kristin | Helgadottir | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
Green Eagle Solutions | gree5132 | lcastleton@greeneaglesolutions.com | Lauren | Castleton-White | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
Green Giraffe Advisory BV | Giraffe | h.aalderink@greengiraffegroup.com | Herma | Aalderink | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
Green Giraffe B.V. | heraal1 | h.aalderink@green-giraffe.eu | Herma | Aalderink | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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Green Hydrogen Systems | Amimakh | ama@greenhydrogen.dk | Aminat | Makhauri | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Green Wind Offshore GmbH | GWOff | irg@greenwindenergy.de | Iris | Gärtner | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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Greenbyte | carmizgre | caroline@greenbyte.com | Caroline | Mizael | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Greeneum | GreeneumIL | assafben@greeneum.net | Assaf | Ben Or | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Greensolver | gsol2780 | Ellie.biddulph@greensolver.net | Ellie | Biddulph | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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GreenStream | GreenStream | susan.collier@greenstream.ai | Susan | Collier | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
GRI RENEWABLE INDUSTRIES | JAIME SANTA MARIA PEREZ | jsanta@gonvarri.com | JAIME | SANTA-MARIA | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
Grupo Gomur | GRUPO GOMUR | comercial@grupogomur.com | Javier | Arroyo | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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GRUPO INERZIA | Elena | etres@grupo-inerzia.com | ELENA | TRES CRUZ | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
GRUPO ROXU | roxu5732 | alicia@gruasroxu.com | Alicia | Cándano | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Guangzhou Goaland Energy Conservation Tech. Co., Ltd. | leixugua | xulei@shlongwind.com | Lei | Xu | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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GustoMSC | monhavgus | monique.vanderhave@gustomsc.com | Monique | van der Have | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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H-J Family of Companies | windeuropeuserhj | sebastianm@h-j.com | Sebastian | Miranda | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Hailo Wind Systems | chrbahhai | cbahl@hailo-windsystems.com | Christopher | Bahl | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Hamer Global | hame2353 | nathan@hamerenvironmental.com | Nathan | Goodman | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Hanhe Cable | tomyu@hanhe-usa.com | tomyu@hanhe-usa.com | Tom | Yu | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
Hauff-Technik GmbH & Co. KG | hauf4917 | ht.messe@hauff-technik.de | Katharina | Ortner | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Havfram | martin.degen@havfram.com | laila.dahl@havfram.com | Laila | Dahl | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Havfram Wind AS | corthihav | corinna.thiel@havfram.com | Corinna | Thiel | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Head Energy | holhea | line.christensen@headenergy.dk | Line Holm | Christensen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Heerema | Michelle Brama | mbrama@hmc-heerema.com | Michelle | Brama | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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HEICO FASTENERS S.A.U. | heic5496 | rosaanaruiz@heicofasteners.es | Rosa Ana | Ruiz Fernandez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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HEICO Group | anibrohei | anika.brochtrop@heico-group.com | Anika | Brochtrop | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Heinen & Hopman | erihei | eric.van.dijk@heinenhopman.com | Eric | van Dijk | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Heli Service International GmbH | Stephanie Riecker | s.riecker@heliservice.de | Stephanie | Riecker | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Hellenic Cables | timmanhel | tmanolopoulos@hellenic-cables.com | Timos | Manolopoulos | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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HELUKABEL® GmbH | marlanhel | Claudia.Mattusch@helukabel.de | Claudia | Mattusch | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Hempel | racmithem | RALMI@hempel.com | Rachel | Mitchell | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Hempel | kaa@hempel.com | kaa@hempel.com | Karima | Ajaoud Barrantes | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Hengtong Group | Coco Yan | yankk@htgd.com.cn | Keke | Yan | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Hengtong Optic-Electric Co.,Ltd. | leixuhen | xulei@shlongwind.com | Lei | Xu | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Herrenknecht AG | coradaher | adam.coraline@herrenknecht.de | Coraline | Adam | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Herrenknecht AG | BordiesJ | bordiesser.jelena@herrenknecht.de | Jelena | Bordießer | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Hexagon | PLANTA | anne-audrey.planta@hexagon.com | Anne-Audrey | PLANTA | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Hexicon AB | hexi2454 | guilherme.nunes@hexicon.eu | Guilherme | Nunes | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Hine | Jon | jnunez@hinegroup.com | Jon | Nunez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Hitachi Energy | louhit | louise.anderson@hitachienergy.com | Louise | Anderson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Huawu Brake | Qun Ni | niq@hua-wu.com | Qun(Season) | Ni | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Hubbell | barshehub | bsherlock@hubbell.com | Barry | Sherlock | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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HUBER+SUHNER | TatjanaBlum | tatjana.blum@hubersuhner.com | Tatjana | Blum | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Huisman | Wasilika Pupovac | wpupovac@huisman-nl.com | Wasilika | Pupovac | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Hydrogenics | hydr7849 | dthomas@hydrogenics.com | Denis | Thomas | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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IberBlue Wind | Julio | julio.vera@iberbluewind.com | Julio | Vera | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Iberdrola | marlinibe | mochoal@iberdrola.es | Marta | Ochoa Linaza | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ICP Wind | icpw8358 | lee.d@industrialclutch.com | Lee | Donaldson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ideol | marbayide | marie.bayard@ideol-offshore.com | marie | BAYARD-LENOIR | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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IDNAMIC | idna8945 | jurbano@idnamic.com | Jorge | Urbank | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Idnamic | Idnamic Italia | gmorgantini@idnamic.com | Giuliano Maria | Morgantini | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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IDOM | idom0898 | esther.fernandez@idom.com | Esther | Fernández | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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IED Greenpower | iedg5773 | plorca@iedgreenpower.com | Pello | DíazLorca | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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IFPEN | IFPEN | helene.vermesse@ifpen.fr | Helene | Vermesse | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ignitis Renewables | Ievvnskv | ieva.venskuviene@ignitis.lt | Ieva | Venskuviene | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Indeximate Ltd | inde4938 | chris.minto@indeximate.com | Chris | Minto | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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INDUSTRIAL CLUTCH PARTS | indu1684 | icpspain@icpspain.com | CARLES | BERNET | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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INEGI | ineg1254 | jpinto@inegi.up.pt | Joana | Pinto | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ingeteam | annbroing | Anneleen.VandenBroeck@ingeteam.com | Anneleen | Van den Broeck | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Inmox | Inmox | michael.aufreiter@inmox.com | Michael | Aufreiter | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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InnoEnergy | inno6336 | silvia.mateos@innoenergy.com | Silvia | Mateos | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Inov8 Systems | Inov8 | russell.hempsey@inov8s.com | Russell | Hempsey | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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INSPIRE Environmental | drecarins | drew@inspireenvironmental.com | Drew | Carey | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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InterDam | ilshouint | roeland.noordermeer@interdam.com | Roeland | Noordermeer | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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International Zinc Association | sankemint | skempers@outlook.com | Sandra | Kempers | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Intertek | inte4472 | richard.sargeant@intertek.com | Richard | Sargeant | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Intertrust Technologies | inter1673 | ananud@ext-intertrust.com | Alex | Nanud | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Invenergy Services | pedrosaldanha | mia.dragojlovic@windeurope.org | Pedro | Quintela de Saldanha | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
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Invest in İzmir | Sencer Özen | sencer.ozen@izka.org.tr | Sencer | Özen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Investment and Development Agency of Latvia | LIAA | uldis.garancs@liaa.gov.lv | Uldis | Garancs | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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IQIP | lenvriihc | Vries@iqip.com | Lennart | de Vries | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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IRE-OMBA SPA | IRE-OMBA SPA | carlotta.maironi@ire-omba.it | Carlotta | Maironi Da Ponte | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ireland Pavilion | lorkil1 | lorraine.killick@windenergyireland.com | Lorraine | Killick | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ireland Pavilion | depa75225 | paul.gallagher@decc.gov.ie | Paul | Gallagher | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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IRIDA A.I. TECHNOLOGIES S.A. | geodiadig | gd@digisec.gr | George | Diakomanolis | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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IRUÑA AUTOMATION | irun8688 | eneko.sola@grupoiruna.com | Eneko | Sola García | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ISOTROL | isot8644 | kneuhaus@isotrol.com | Kim | Neuhaus | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Istec | istec | daniel.visser@istec.com | Daniël | Visser | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ITA – Italian Trade Agency | ITA Brussels | fdi.benelux@ice.it | Simone | Esposito | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ITH | TIHI7954 | alejandro.boyra@ith.com | Alejandro | Boyra | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ITH GmbH & Co. KG | frifel1 | ffeldmann@ith.de | Friederike | Feldmann | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ITO Navaids | madvinito | mvh@itonavaids.com | Mads Vinter | Hansen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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IVSolar (JVV Grup, S.L) | ivso8989 | pllort@ivsolar.com | Pere | LLort | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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IX Renewables | renate.wolters | renate.wolters@ixrenewables.com | Renate | Wolters | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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JAC coupling | jacc8272 | barca@jacoup.co.kr | BARCA | JIN | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Jaeger Mare Solutions | davbaujae | d.baum@jaeger-maresolutions.com | Daniel | Baum | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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James Walker Sealing Products and Services Ltd | nigstajam | nigel.stansfield@jameswalker.biz | Nigel | Stansfield | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Jan De Nul Group | mariafer1 | maria.fernandez@jandenul.com | Maria | Romero Fernandez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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JDR Cable Systems Ltd | jdrcablesytemsltd | mandy.marriner@jdrcables.com | Mandy | Marriner | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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JSI Alliance | JSI_Alliance | christian.hoffmann@harren-group.com | Christian | Hoffmann | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Jungle AI | jung9577 | charles@jungle.ai | Charles | Monteiro | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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K2 Management | joclakma | JCL@k2management.com | Jo | Clarkson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Kalmar Global | rebniecar | cecilia.logreco@kalmarglobal.com | Cecilia | Lo Greco Laustsen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Karl Storz NDTec | karl9678 | julia.bock@ksndtec.com | Julia | Boeck | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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KEMA Labs | kemalabs | antonio.boccuni@kema.com | Antonio | Boccuni | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Kent | conwebken | Connie.Webster@kentplc.com | Connie | Webster | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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KEPCO | thegreatkim | thegreatkim@kepco.co.kr | Tony Minsuek | Kim | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Kinectrics | Sadie Wong | sadie.wong@kinectrics.com | Sadie | Wong | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Kintech Engineering | petmllkin | peter.moeller@kintech-engineering.com | Peter | Moeller | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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KISWIRE | joygulkis | gull@kiswire.com | YG | JO | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Kiwa N.V. | robbert boer | robbert.boer@kiwa.com | robbert | boer | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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KK Wind Solutions | kkwi5972 | kehan@kkwindsolutions.com | Kenneth | Hansen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Klüber Lubrication | klub1719 | silvia.paletta@es.klueber.com | Silvia | Paletta | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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KODIAK GmbH | stehuskod | shuss@kodiak.eu | Stephanie | Huss | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Kongsberg Digital | kong5847 | eirik.skare@kdi.kongsberg.com | Eirik | Skare | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Kooi Videovigilancia | Anastassia | a.laumets@247kooi.com | Anastassia | Laumets | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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KOTRA | KotraCPH | jeronimo@kotraspain.org | Jerónimo | Gracián Peña | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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KRANENDONK Smart Robotics | KRANENDONK Smart Robotics | j.de.vaal@kranendonk.com | Johan | de Vaal | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Kühne + Nagel Project Logistics | verbyskhn | veronika.bystrova@kuehne-nagel.com | Veronika | Bystrova | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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KUZUFLEX METAL HOSES - BENDED PIPES - COOLING SYSTEMS COMPONENTS | sedbil1 | sedat@kuzuflex.com | Sedat | Bilgin | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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La Tene Maps | johcol2 | johncoleman@latenemaps.com | John | coleman | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Labkotec Oy | elikarlab | elina.karhulahti@labkotec.fi | Elina | Karhulahti | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Lagun Machine Tools | iaizpurua@lagunmt.com | iaizpurua@lagunmt.com | IGOR | AIZPURUA UGARTE | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Lancor | lanc4692 | leire_bardisa@lancor.es | Leire | Bardisa | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Lanthan Safe Sky | sabschlan | ssc@lanthan-safe-sky.com | Sabine | Schachner | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Larko Magnet International A/S | cra@larko.dk | cra@larko.dk | Camilla | rybak-andersen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Lasser Eolica | lass2224 | cvicente@grupolasser.com | CARLOS | VICENTE CLAVERIA | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Leine & Linde LTN | LeineLinde | m.finke@leinelinde.de | Matthias | Finke | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Lift-Tex heavy lift slings | LIFT7964 | marketing@lift-tex.nl | Yvonne | Konings | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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LIFTKET Hoffmann GmbH | ulrveilif | ulrike.veit@liftket.de | Ulrike | Veit | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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LINSINGER | LINSINGER | g.schoen@linsinger.com | Georgine | Schön | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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LKAB Minerals | lkab4232 | jennifer.mcglade@lkab.com | Jennifer | McGlade | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Lloyd's Register | maitrallo | mai.tran@lr.org | Mai-Trang | Tran | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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LM Wind Power | bibtei1 | bibi.teislev@lmwindpower.com | Bibi | Teislev | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Lockheed Martin | lock5825 | lori.cabassa.ramirez@lmco.com | Lori | Cabassa Ramirez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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LOUIS DREYFUS ARMATEURS | sylvirlou | capucine.sasso-rios@LDA.FR | Capucine | Sasso-Rios | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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LS Cable & System Ltd. | Sojin Park | sjpark@lscns.com | Sojin | Park | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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LTI Motion | litm7356 | Ina.Beste@lti-motion.com | Ina | Beste | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Lykomitros Steel S.A. | yiaflolyk | sales@lykomitros-steel.gr | Efthimios | Terpos | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Maersk Supply Service | chaholmae01 | charlotte.holst@maersksupply.com | Charlotte Holst | Frahm | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Makromor Cathodic Protection | MAKROMOR SP. Z O.O. | biuro@makromor.pl | Bartlomiej | Dyzewski | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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MALAYSIA MARINE AND HEAVY ENGINEERING SDN BHD | hesales | hafira.hassan@mmhe.com.my | HAFIRA | HASSAN | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Mammoet | jusvremam | justin.vreugdenhil@mammoet.com | Justin | Vreugdenhil | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Maple Power | alemap | louise.cuttle@maplepower.com | Louise | Cuttle | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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MARLOW ROPES LIMITED | emma.donovan | emma.donovan@marlowropes.com | Emma | Donovan | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Marshall Futureworx | mars5596 | samuel.collicott@marshalladg.com | sam | collicott | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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MARSOL TECHNOLOGIES INC. | gnarudmar | gnanesh@marsoltech.com | Gnanesha | Rudrapada | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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MASCOT® WORKWEAR | masc2239 | pda@mascot.dk | Pia | Dalum | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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MCVE TECHNOLOGIE | mcve5537 | cweisse@mcve-tech.com | Christian | WEISSE | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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MediaCompany | MediaCompany | Stephanie.rycken@windeurope.org | Stéphanie | Rycken | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
MEGAJOULE | MEGA4597 | ela.prdelet@megajoule.pt | Ela | Prdelet | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
MERSEN | peobermer | peo.bertilsson@mersen.com | Per Ola | Bertilsson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
METAL PARTS USA | marciocosta72 | marcio@gatronusa.com | Marcio | Costa | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Metek GmbH | janbad1 | bade@metek.de | Janina | Bade | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
METEODYN | loltesmet | audrey.berson@meteodyn.com | Audrey | Berson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
METEORAGE | METE9864 | MC@METEORAGE.COM | MARIE | CANDAU | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Miba Automation Systems GmbH | ulrreimib | ulrike.reisenberger@miba.com | Ulrike | Reisenberger | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Mikeltest | Mikeltest | mikelmorillo@opendeusto.es | Mikel | Morillo | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
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Mikron.X | Mikron.X | Valentina@mikronx.com | Valentina | Litovchenko | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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MISTRAS Group | Marketing Department | events@mistrasgroup.com | Marketing | Department | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Mitsubishi Electric Corporation | mits9876 | hachimonji@tipexpos.com | Yuma | Hachimonji | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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MME Group | MMEGroup | m.roerade@mme-group.com | Michael | Roerade | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
MonoM, by Grupo Álava | Grup2774 | mbermejo@grupoalava.com | Maria | Luz Bermejo | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Morteng Technology (Shanghai) CO.,LTD | mort6985 | intra@morteng.com | Tiffany | Song | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Motofil | anasilmot | asilva@motofil.pt | Ana | Silva | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Motofil | pedpermot | ppereira@motofil.com | Pedro | Pereira | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Movella Oy | movellaoy | hannu.kukkola@movella.fi | Hannu | Kukkola | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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MRT | MRT | marcusp@mrtsos.com | Marcus | Pickering | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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MSM | msmo2629 | patricia@mesemar.com | Patricia | Alambiaga | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
MULTIMARINE SHIPYARDS | Stelios Drakakis 2 | stelios.drakakis@multimarine.com.cy | Stelios | Drakakis | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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MURLINK | murl4693 | aarregui@murlink.com | Alfons | Arregui | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Murrplastik, S.L. | murr5863 | agustin.ruiz.saera@murrplastik.es | Agustín | Ruiz Saera | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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N-Sea | danbiense | d.biermans@n-sea.com | Danielle | Biermans | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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N-Sea BODAC UXO Clearance B.V. | garthinse | g.thirkettle@n-sea.com | Gary | Thirkettle | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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N9VE - Nature, Ocean and Value | paulobnve | pl@n9ve.pt | Paulo | Lobo | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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National Grid Ventures | elebeinat | elena.beianu@nationalgrid.com | Elena | Beianu | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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National Grid Ventures | ian.duffy@nationalgrid.com | Lindsey.Jones2@nationalgrid.com | Lindsey | Jones | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
Naulankanta Wind Power Solutions | HansMakkara | timo.fischer@naulankanta.fi | Timo | Fischer | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
Naval Energies | chrponnav | cpondaven@naval-energies.com | Christophe | PONDAVEN | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Navantia Seanergies | olgorenav | cduran@navantia.es | Cristina | Durán Gómez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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NDTec | NDTec | monika.reuter@ndtec.net | Monika | Reuter | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Nearthlab | nearthlab | press@nearthlab.com | Cathy | Kim | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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NEM Solutions | nems6359 | mcaldero@nemsolutions.com | Marta | Caldero | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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NEOPOLIA EMR | margerneo | m.gerard@neopolia.fr | Maryse | GERARD | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Neptune Marine | rogputnep | rvanputten@neptunemarine.com | Rogier | van Putten | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Neptune Marine | sidkoknep | sdekok@neptunemarine.com | Sidi | de Kok | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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NEUF Inc | neuf | neuf@neufgen.com | WOO SANG | LEE | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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NEXANS | patvyv1 | kjetil.gundersen@nexans.com | Kjetil | Gundersen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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NeXHS Renewables Pvt ltd | Eshaan Kochhar | eshaan.kochhar@nexhs.com | Eshaan | Kochhar | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Next Geosolutions Europe | next2286 | a.gatti@nextgeosolutions.com | Alessandra | Gatti | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Nispera | nisp1740 | michele.acquaviva@nispera.com | Michele | Acquaviva | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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NKE Bearings | nkeb7699 | nicole.roll@nke.at | Nicole | Roll | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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NKT | NKT | elena.iribarren@nkt.com | Elena | Iribarren | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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NKT | helena.andersson | helena.andersson@nkt.com | Helena | Andersson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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NLMK Europe - Plate | berrobnlm | b.robins@eu.nlmk.com | Bernard | Robins | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Nokia | noki8273 | david.christophe@nokia.com | David | Christophe | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Nord-Lock Group | britro101 | brian.troest@nord-lock.com | Brian | Troest | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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NORD-LOCK IBERIA SL | Paloma.bellido | paloma.bellido@nord-lock.com | Paloma | Bellido | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Nordex Group | julstenor | jstege@nordex-online.com | Julia | Stege | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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North Sea Port | vansmenor | vanessa.desmet@northseaport.com | Vanessa | de Smet | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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North Star | NorthStar | gail.morrice@northstarshipping.co.uk | Gail | Morrice | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Northcom | Northcom | louise.nielsen@northcom.dk | Louise | Herby Nielsen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Northern Marine Group | Northern Marine | john.lindie@stena.com | John | Lindie | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Northern Offshore Services | ebbaalexandersson | ebba.alexandersson@n-o-s.eu | Ebba | Alexandersson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Norway Pavilion | norw5455 | veronica.broholm@innovasjonnorge.no | Veronica | Broholm | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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NovaWind | nova2643 | salova@studio-cnip.ru | Dmitriy | Polyakov | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
NOWC | Hanne Tvedt | hanne.tvedt@offshore-wind.no | Hanne | Tvedt | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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NRG Systems | morwatnrg | mjw@nrgsystems.com | Morgan | Waters | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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NT Wind | NT Wind | Rui.bispo@nt-group.pt | Rui | Bispo | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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nvbird®️ | penbag1 | io@nvisionist.com | Idyli | Orfanou | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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O.G. Specialstilladser ApS | moreriogs | me@ogspecialstilladser.dk | Morten | Eriksen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Observator Instruments | Observator | cve@observator.com | Colinda | van der Velde | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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OCCITANIE REGION | sopgraocc | sophie.gerard@agence-adocc.com | Sophie | Gérard | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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OEG Renewables | OEGR | kathryn.watts@oegoffshore.com | Kathryn | Watts | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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OES Group | robforoes | rforsyth@oesgroupltd.com | Robert | Forsyth | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature | aleteswin | charlotte@renewables-grid.eu | Charlotte | Mueller | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Offshore Kinetic Energy Reservoirs - OKER energy | Okerenergy | espeland@okerenergy.com | Dag-Ove | Espeland | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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OHT | nikbeaoht | nb@oht.no | Nikki | Beales | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ola Test | OlaTest | aleksandra.nowak@windeurope.org | Ola1 | Test | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ola Test 2 | OlaTest2 | aleksandra.nowak@windeurope.org | Ola1 | Nowak | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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OMERIN SAS | Omerin | jean-antoine.boncompain@omerin.com | Jean-Antoine | BONCOMPAIN | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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OMIL OFFSHORE | omiloffshore | soraya.fernandez@omil.es | SORAYA | FERNÁNDEZ OMIL | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ONYX Insight | mathadins | Hannah.Waterfield@onyxinsight.com | Hannah | Waterfield | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ORCA Crew Services | OrcaWind123 | i.kontrimaite@orca-crew.com | Ieva | Kontrimaite | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
| 4 |
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ORCHIS Umweltplanung GmbH | orch7652 | sabine.behrmann@orchis-eco.de | Sabine | Behrmann | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
ORCHIS Umweltplanung GmbH | ORCHIS | peter.hochrathner@orchis-eco.de | Peter | Hochrathner | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Orcina Ltd | Orcina100 | orcina@orcina.com | Yvonne | Morgan | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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OREMOTOR | isaenzlopez | isaenzlopez@oremotor.com | Iñigo | Sáenz-López Lacambra | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Orga Aviation bv | cergoc1 | c.v.goch@orga.nl | Ceremco | van Goch | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Orient Cable(NBO) | yuehuanin | hyj@orientcable.com | Yuejia | Huang | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Orient Cable (NBO) | Jessi Hong | jessica@orientcable.com | Jessi | Hong | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Orkney Harbour Authority | pauolvork | paul.olvhoj@orkney.gov.uk | Paul | Olvhoj | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Orlen Neptun | OrlenNeptun | lilwiana.wiadrowska@orlen.pl | Liliana | Wiadrowska | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ORMAZABAL | Ormz8172 | nbu@ormazabal.com | Nagore | Bengoetxea Urrutikoetxea | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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OTN Systems | grischotn | griet.de_schrijver@otnsystems.com | Griet | De Schrijver | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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OW OCEAN WINDS | carbelowo | josemiguel.mesa@oceanwinds.com | José Miguel | Mesa | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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OWC | Geonhwa Ryu | geonhwa.ryu@owcltd.com | Geonhwa | Ryu | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Oxiplant | Oxiplant | marketing@oxiplant.com | Jorge | Torres Artime | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PALFINGER MARINE GMBH | Sabine Fafian | s.fafian@palfinger.com | Sabine | Fafian Dieguez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Pall Corporation | pall8697 | julia_blanc@europe.pall.com | Julia | Blanc | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PANASONIC CONNECT | Chiara Cabini | chiara.cabini@eu.panasonic.com | Chiara | Cabini | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Panasonic Europe | ulrika.panasonic | ulrika.sturk@eu.panasonic.com | Ulrika | Sturk | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Parkwind | chravepar | chris.avermaete@parkwind.eu | Chris | Avermaete | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PartnerPlast | chaburpar | charl.burger@partnerplast.com | Charl | Burger | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PASSER | Espen | d.anuzis@passer-sidc.com | Darius | Anužis | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Pavana GmbH | Pavana-GmbH | gregersen@wkn-group.com | Inula | Gregersen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PEAK Wind | peakwind | dkr@peak-wind.com | Dominka | Krisiuniene | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Peikko | terkuupei | terhi.kuusisto@peikko.com | Terhi | Kuusisto | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Pemamek OY | eliplapem | Elina.plathin@pemamek.com | Elina | Plathin | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Perceptual Robotics | percrob2025 | irenie.karachaliou@perceptual-robotics.com | Irenie | Karachaliou | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PEREZ TORRES GROUP | pere8876 | angela.barros@ptmar.com | Angela | Barros | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Periplus Group | Periplus | s.terwee@periplus.nl | Sander | Terwee | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Peterson Energy Logistics | stesmipet | ssmith3@onepeterson.com | Steven | Smith | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PETZL | matchapet | mchavet@petzl.com | Chavet | Mathieu | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Pexapark | Amanda Niklaus | amanda.niklaus@pexapark.com | Amanda | Niklaus | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PFISTERER | bengaupfi | benjamin.gaul@pfisterer.com | Benjamin | Gaul | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PFISTERER Kontaktsysteme GmbH | PFISTERER | benjamin.gaul@pfisterer.com | Benjamin | Gaul | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PHAZEBREAK COATINGS, INC. | PHAZ7573 | don.browning@phazebreak.com | DON | BROWNING | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PHOENIX CONTACT | susbei1 | susanne.beineke@phoenixcontact.com | Susanne | Beineke | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Pict Offshore | phitaypic | philip.taylor@pictoffshore.com | Philip | Taylor | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ping Services | eike.lueken | eike.lueken@ping.services | Eike | Lueken | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PINILLA | pini2642 | silviap@pinilla.com | SILVIA | PINILLA | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PJOE | tonyschenk@pjoe.com.cn | tonyschenk@pjoe.com.cn | Tony | Schenk | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PJSC “Energomashspetsstal” | Casting | d.siworon@casting-forging.de | Denis | Siworon | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Plarad | marrsemas | cynthia.lingnau@plarad.de | Cynthia | Lingnau | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PNE AG | PNE AG | rabea.petersen@pne-ag.com | Rabea | Petersen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Pocoloco | ChiChiLoco | mia.dragojlovic@windeurope.org | Gisele | Chouchou | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Polish Investment and Trade Agency | Polish Investment and Trade Agency | martalena.eriksen@paih.gov.pl | Martalena | Eriksen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Polish Wind Energy Association | dorberpol | d.bereza@psew.pl | Dorota | Bereza | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Polytech | majcrapol01 | csv@polytech.com | Cirkeline | Svendlund | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Pomorskie poland | Pomerania Development Agency Co. | anna.jafra@arp.gda.pl | Anna | Jafra | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Pondera Consult B.V. | j.smit.pond | J.Smit@ponderaconsult.com | Joann | Smit | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PORT ATLANTIQUE LA ROCHELLE | poro3522 | p.hagerty@larochelle.port.fr | HAGERTY | PATRICIA | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Port Esbjerg | ufflunpor | ufl@businessesbjerg.com | Uffe | Lundgaard | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Port of Aalborg | annandpor | aca@portofaalborg.com | Anna Caroline | Havn Andersen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Port of Amsterdam | yollosams | yolanda@ayop.com | Yolanda | Los | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Port of Kokkola | kokk1825 | alexandra.haapala@portofkokkola.fi | Alexandra | Haapala | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Port of Kokkola Ltd | Port of Kokkola | alexandra.haapala@portofkokkola.fi | Alexandra | Haapala | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Port of Oostende | REBO offshore wind terminal Port of Oostende | laure.martroye@portofoostende.be | Laure | Martroye | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Port of Rotterdam | RPPC | willemsen@rppc.nl | Barbara | Willemsen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Port of Thyboron | tinbrethy | tj@thyboronport.dk | Tine | Jensen Le Breton | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ports of Normandy | PortsNormandy | laurent.nativelle@portsdenormandie.fr | Laurent | Nativelle | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Power Factors LLC | jenedwpow | Emily.Miller@powerfactors.com | Emily | Miller | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Predictant | vicki.hartley@fdh-is.com | vicki.hartley@fdh-is.com | Vicki | Hartley | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PREDYCSA | pred8433 | cortes@predycsa.com | simon | cortes | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Primo Marine | Primo Marine | susanne.kovar@primo-marine.com | Susanne | Kovar | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PROEXCA | pedcabsoc | promocion@proexca.es | Pedro | Monzón Cabrera | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Progress Group | Progress Group | obwexer@progress.group | Alexander | Obwexer | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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PROPAMSA By Cementos Molins | Manel | msoler@propamsa.es | Manel | Soler Caralps | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ProPlanEn | prop3636 | wolfgang.schlez@proplanen.com | Wolfgang | Schlez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Proxima Solutions GmbH | proximasolutionsgmbh | adriana.lopez@proximasolutions.eu | ADRIANA | LOPEZ | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Prysmian Group | enrmar1 | marketing.energy@prysmiangroup.com | Enrica | Margara | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Purus | jessicanevin | jnevin@purus.com | Jessica | Nevin | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Q ENERGY Solutions SE | qenergy | tobias.bressler@qenergy.eu | Tobias | Bressler | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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| 4 |
QOS ENERGY | qose6995 | gestivalet@qosenergy.com | Gilles | Estivalet | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Qualisys | helrydqua | helen.ryden@qualisys.se | Helen | Rydén | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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RAD Torque Systems B.V. | ccithirad | cvt@radialtorque.eu | Cécile | van Thiel | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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RECHARGE AS | rech7759 | rex.reksnis@upstreamonline.com | Rex | Reksnis | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Red Rock Power Limited | laucamred | laura-jane.cameron@redrockpower.co.uk | Laura-Jane | Cameron | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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RelyOn Nutec | RelyOn Nutec | em@relyonnutec.com | Elvira | Martos-Barrios | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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REMAZEL ENGINEERING S.P.A. | REMAZEL | chiara.tuccillo@remazel.com | CHIARA | TUCCILLO | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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REMTECH | jeafagrem | sales@remtechinc.com | Fage | Jean-Michel | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Renewable Dynamics | david.robb@renewable-dynamics.com | david.robb@renewable-dynamics.com | David | Robb | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Renewable Energy Sources of Croatia | rene9784 | maja.pokrovac@oie.hr | Maja | Pokrovac | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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RenewableUK | manren | Marina.Serrano@renewableuk.com | Marina | Serrano | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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reNEWS | steparren | stephanie@renews.biz | Stephanie | Partridge | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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REPOWERLAB | Repowerlab | victoria.galeano@repowerlab.com | Victoria | Galeano | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Repsol | Reps9979 | luis.hernando@repsol.com | Luis | Hernando Vaquero | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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REPSOL | luis | luis.hernando@repsol.com | Luis | Hernando Vaquero | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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RES | resw8228 | katie.sweeney@res-group.com | Katie | Sweeney | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Resco.net | lucmicres | lucia.michalikova@resco.net | Lucia | Michalikova | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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RESINEX SRL | RESINEX SRL | silvia.respigo@resinextrad.com | SILVIA | RESPIGO | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Reventus Power Limited | Louise Cuttle | lcuttle@reventuspower.com | Louise | Cuttle | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Reynard High Voltage Solutions | MarcovdH | marco.vanderhoeven@reynard.nl | Marco | van der Hoeven | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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RG Seasight Fenders | perkrirgs | annette@romgummi.dk | Annette | Horsager Østergaard | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Rhenus Offshore Logistics | thoschrhe | thore.schreiber@de.rhenus.com | Thore | Schreiber | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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RIDGEWAY ROCKBAGS | ridg7723 | mferguson@ridgeway-online.com | MICHAEL | FERGUSON | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Riggs Distler | kborusewicz | kborusewicz@riggsdistler.com | kasey | borusewicz | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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RINA | lauferrin | laura.ferioli@rina.org | Laura | Ferioli | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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RINA | enrico.perasso@rina.org | enrico.perasso@rina.org | Enrico | Perasso | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Rittal | ritt5754 | soler.p@rittal.es | Maria Pilar | Soler | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Rohde Nielsen | fribenroh | kdr@rohde-nielsen.dk | Kirsten | Drachmann | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Rosseti Engenharia | ross6543 | pedro.martins@rosseti.eu | Pedro | Martins | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Rotak | Rotak | gaizka@rotak.tech | Gaizka | Zulaika | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Rovco | Rovco | Claire.Anderson@rovco.com | Claire | Anderson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ROXTEC S.L. | Roxt2657 | ibon.muguruza@roxtec.com | Ibon | Muguruza | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Roxtec International AB | matbrurox | matthias.brueck@roxtec.com | Matthias | Brück | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Royal Wagenborg | guulinroy | guus.van.der.linde@wagenborg.com | Guus | van der Linde | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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RPS | murtond@rpsgroup.com | murtond@rpsgroup.com | Dawn | Murton | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Rtd srl | ALESSIA | alessia.derosso@rtdgroup.com | ALESSIA | DE ROSSO | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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RTDS Technologies Inc. | rtds6246 | christine.albert@ametek.com | Christine | Albert | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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RTSYS | Karoll | kaudibert@rtsys.fr | Karoll | Audibert | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Rutter Inc. | Rutter Inc. | klockyer@rutter.ca | Keshia | Lockyer | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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RWE | splrwe | Katrin.Splawski@rwe.com | Katrin | Splawski | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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S.V.A. Rikkon Lubes | svar4996 | niels.raue@freenet.de | Niels | Raue | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sabik Offshore GmbH | jt.sabik | jt@sabik-offshore.com | Jeremy | Tygielski | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SafeLane Global | davhensaf | david.henderson@safelaneglobal.com | David | Henderson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SAIPEM | martarsai | mt@ies.co.it | Marta | Tarquini | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Salt Ship Design | Salt Ship Design | gs@saltship.com | Gunny | Sandvik | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sany | SanyRenewable | michael.zhong@sanyeurope.com | Michael | Zhong | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sarens | anjacsar | Sarah.Dehollander@sarens.com | Sarah | Dehollander | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SAW | Supercluster Atlantic Wind | ignfersea | froyano@cantabriaseaofinnovation.es | Francisco | Royano Gutiérrez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SBM OFFSHORE | REN PL | elisabeth.preira@sbmoffshore.com | ELISABETH | PREIRA | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SCADA International | SCADA International | kkl@scada-international.com | Kasia | Lindegaard | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SCADA International | Kasia Lindegaard | kkl@scada-international.com | Kasia | Lindegaard | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SCHAAF GmbH & Co. KG | pateffsch | pe@collinet.de | Patrick | Effelsberg | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Schneider Electric | CHAFFARD | clarisse.modena@se.com | Clarisse | Modena | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Schunk Carbon Technology | schu9325 | bjoern.michalke@schunk-group.com | Björn | Michalke | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Scottish Development International | scot4579 | mark.ainslie@scotent.co.uk | Mark | Ainslie | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SEA 360 | SEA 360 | simon.ichstchenko@neotek-web.com | SIMON | ICHSTCHENKO | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sea Impact | Tobaben | lat@sea-impact.com | Lars-André | Tobaben | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Seajacks | arcainsea | Archie.Ainslie@Seajacks.com | Archie | Ainslie | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Seajacks UK Ltd | joleesea | jo.lees@seajacks.com | Jo | Lees | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Seaplace SL | Jaime Moreu Seaplace | jmoreu@seaplace.es | Jaime | Moreu | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Seaports of Niedersachsen | andré.seaports | aheim@seaports.de | André | Heim | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Seaports of Niedersachsen | Seaports of Niedersachsen | msteinkamp@seaports.de | Michaela | Steinkap | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Seares | Seares | t.filice@seares.it | Teresa | Filice | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Seatrium | Seatrium | Jenna.Crosby@seatriumors.com | Jenna | Crosby | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Seatrium | seatriumltd | dick.chan@seatrium.com | Dick | Chan | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Seaway 7 | nikshl | Nikki.Beales@seaway7.com | Nikki | Beales | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sefag Components AG | marlahsef | martin.lahmer@sefag-ag.ch | Martin | Lahmer | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Segula Technologies | segu6565 | aigaray@segula.es | Adrián | Iriarte | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SEKISUI CHEMICAL Co., Ltd | Sekisui Chemical GmbH | iijima@sekisui.de | TAKUYA | IIJIMA | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Senkron Energy Digital Services | oguzhan yıldırım | oguzhan.yildirim@enerjisauretim.com | oguzhan | yıldırım | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sennen | mjharsen | gaby.amiel@sennen.tech | Gaby | Amiel | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sennen | jampalsen | james.palmer@sennen.tech | James | Palmer | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sensing360 | sensing360 | eric@sensing360.com | Eric | van Genuchten | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sensing360 B.V. | ericvangenuchten | eric.van.genuchten@sensing360.com | Eric | van Genuchten | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sentric Safety Group | EMEATradeShows | melissa.djarmouni@sentricsafetygroup.com | Melissa | Djarmouni | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sereema | tipcomser | emmanuel.ebbi@sereema.com | Emmanuel | Ebbi | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SGL Gelter | Elke Hirsekorn | elke.hirsekorn@sglcarbon.com | Elke | Hirsekorn | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sheffield Green | SheffieldGreen | giulio.mendes@sheffieldgreen.com | Giulio | Marcucci | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Shell | disyeshe | Disi.Ye@shell.com | Disi | Ye | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Shoreline Wind | kinbot1 | both@shoreline.no | Kinga | Both | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sideshore Technology | side9836 | ben@sideshore-technology.com | Ben | de Sonneville | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Siemens AG | robschsie | robert.schlamminger@siemens.com | Robert | Schlamminger | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Siemens Digital Industries Software | Maria Veem | maria.veem@siemens.com | Maria | Veem | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy | suskjesie | Charlotte.Rasmussen@siemensgamesa.com | Charlotte | Rasmussen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sif | sangeusif | a.vandenberg@sif-group.com | Agnes | van den Berg | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sika Services AG | gabkla1 | gabriele.klatt@mbcc-group.com | Gabriele | Klatt | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Simply Blue Group | sarmacsim | Sara.MacKeown@simplybluegroup.com | Sara | MacKeown | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sirris / OWI-Lab | sirr6554 | annelies.paulus@sirris.be | Annelies | Paulus | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Skanwear | ben.cass@skanwear.com | ben.cass@skanwear.com | Ben | Cass | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SKF | ABSK2536 | heike.wellmann@skf.com | Heike | Wellmann | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Skyborn Renewables | meiwulsky | f.fuchs@skybornrenewables.com | Falco | Fuchs | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SkySpecs | skys7487 | sarah.leitz@skyspecs.com | Sarah | Leitz | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SkySpecs | lousky | louise.hamilton@skyspecs.com | Louise | Hamilton | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SkyVisor | skyvisor | paul.fontaine@skyvisor.fr | Paul | Fontaine | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Slingsintt | slin4321 | igor@slingsintt.com | Igor | Rodriíguez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SLX MET MASTS | slxm2385 | sirkarkoyelia@gmail.com | Koyelia | Sirkar | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Smartive | smar5656 | josej.garcia@smartive.eu | Jose Juan | Garcia Crespo | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SMD Ltd | marketing@smd.co.uk | amy.mcguinness@smd.co.uk | Amy | McGuinness | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Smulders | briwec1 | Britt.Weckx@smulders.com | Britt | Weckx | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SolarinBlue | sola3387 | aurelien@solarinblue.com | Aurelien | CROQ | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SolidGround | SolidGround | ed@solidground.xyz | Esben | Dalgaard | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Solute | Anasolute | ana.romero-giron@solute.es | Ana | Romero-Girón | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Spanish Wind Association (Asociacion Empresarial Eólica) | Piluca Núñez | pnunez@aeeolica.org | Piluca | Nuñez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sparkcognition | couscospa | cscogin@sparkcognition.com | Courtney | Scogin | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sparksis | spar2998 | c.blanco@sparksis.eu | Carlos | Blanco | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Specma Wiro AB | spec4952 | mikael.leek@wiro.se | Mikael | Leek | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Spinergie | emmbarspi | emma.barriere@spinergie.com | Emma | Barriere | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SPT Offshore BV | SPT Offshore | p.pijnacker@sptoffshore.com | Pascal | Pijnacker | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SSE Renewables | mictimsse | Chris.Stewart2@sse.com | Chris | Stewart | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Stat-X Aerosol Fire Suppression | Louise Dillon | LDillon@statx.com | Louise | Dillon | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Statkraft | katopstat | Ingrid.dyrnes@statkraft.com | Ingrid | Dyrnes | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sterblue | ster8574 | samir.belasri@sterblue.com | Samir | Belasri | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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StormGeo | cartorsto | aleksandra.orekhova@stormgeo.com | Aleksandra | Orekhova | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Strohm | Strohm | a.jak@strohm.eu | Annemarie | Jak | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SupAirVision | SupAirVision | sa@supairvision.com | Sebastien | Arnould | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Supergen Wind | supe3235 | michelle.morrison.100@strath.ac.uk | Michelle | Morrison | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Survey Association | SAC | gitte.lundorf@surveyassociation.com | Gitte Caroline | Palm Lundorf | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Survitec | surv9954 | ross.johnston@survitecgroup.com | Ross | Johnston | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Sustainable Energy Norwegian Catapult Center | Kcenia Hartmann Volkov | kcenia@sustainableenergy.com | Kcenia | Hartmann | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Svendborg Brakes | Britt Lightbody | Britt.lightbody@regalrexnord.com | Britt | Lightbody | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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SYDIS | SYDIS | josedavid.claramunt@sydis.es | JOSE DAVID | CLARAMUNT | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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T.S.F. | TSFT7559 | roroz@tsftsh.com | Ruben | Oroz | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Taconic International Ltd | Taconic | alexh@4taconic.com | Alexandra | Heck | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Taihan Cable & Solution | GERALD YOO | jaeiru@taihan.com | JAE IL | YOO | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Tamarindo Group | matroltam | maria@awordaboutwind.com | María | Crespo Apastegui | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TAMOIN | tamo1719 | gdediego@tamoin.com | Guillermo | De Diego | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TDI-Brooks International, Inc. | melwootdi | melissawood@tdi-bi.com | Melissa | Wood | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Technip Energies | pauwebtec | elena.tessier@technipenergies.com | Aliona | Tessier | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TechnipFMC | tech6452 | jorn.moen@technipfmc.com | Jorn | Moen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Technostrobe / ITO Navaids | Technostrobe | audrey@navarreconseil.ca | Audrey | Navarre | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TECNOAMBIENTE | TECN7422 | sergi.ruibal@ext.tecnoambiente.com | SERGI | RUIBAL | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Tecnorenova | tecn8242 | orouco@tecnorenova.com | Orlando | Rouco | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TECOI CORTE SL | TECOI CORTE SL | h.ordonez@tecoi.com | Hector | Ordonez Fontanilla | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TEIMAS | teim8787 | comunicacion@teimas.com | Cristina | Fuster Sanjurjo | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Tekmar Group plc | stepugtek | jack@tekmar.co.uk | Jack | Simpson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TERSAN SHIPYARD | elisahter | esahin@tersan.com.tr | elif | sahin | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TERWA - Your Global Partner For Precast & Construction Solutions | terw9794 | m.bansal@terwa.com | Mukul | Bansal | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Test Coconnex | RohitRane | rohitr@cohezia.com | Rohit | Rane | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
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Test123 | TestCPH25 | Stephanie.rycken@windeurope.org | S | R | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TestSR | TestStephanie | stephanie.rycken@windeurope.org | S | R | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TestTestSRY | TestTestSRY | stephanie.rycken@windeurope.org | S | R | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Tesucon BV | Jerome | jl@tesucon.nl | Jérôme | Lacroix | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Texas Controls. S.L. | beariotex | beatriz.rios@texascontrols.com | Beatriz | Rios | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Texo Group Ltd | natisha.burnett@texo.co.uk | natisha.burnett@texo.co.uk | Natisha | Burnett | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TG.EMME SERVICE S.R.L. | TG.EMME | francesca.serafini@tgemmeservice.com | FRANCESCA | SERAFINI | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TGS | lauandcof | Danielle.Landry@tgs.com | Danielle | Landry | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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The ONS Foundation | angianthe | angelo@ons.no | Angelo | Iannelli | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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The Pavilion – Powered by Denmark | pade7396 | kaa@energyexport.dk | Katrine | Aaby | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Titicaca | LaschicasdelCoconnex | mia.dragojlovic@windeurope.org | Mia | Dragojlovic | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Titomic Europe | Titomic | johan.diepeveen@titomic.com | Johan | Diepeveen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TKF | natloftkf | n.vanderlof@tkf.nl | Nathalie | van der Lof | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TME BV | mauschtme | m.schijf@tme.nl | Maureen | Schijf | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ToolKitX | marsmatoo | m.smaluhn@toolkitx.com | Marc | Smaluhn | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TOPseven | tops5963 | katja.weissbach@topseven.com | Katja | Weißbach | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TotalEnergies | TotalEnergiesRenewables | ida.jensen@totalenergies.com | Ida | Jensen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TPI Composites, Inc. | tpic0289 | wcurran@tpicomposites.com | Wendy | Curran | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Tractebel | trac6428 | marc.vannerum@tractebel.engie.com | Marc | Vannérum | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Tractebel Engineering GmbH | Jutta Kaufmann | jutta.kaufmann@tractebel.engie.com | Jutta | KAUFMANN | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Tranemo Advanced Workwear | Jonna Jeppesen | jj@tranemo.dk | Jonna | Jeppesen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Transgruma | tran5759 | commercial@transgruma.com | Alain | Cortés Fernández | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Trauma Resus | adabartra | adam.barrett@traumaresus.com | Adam | Barrett | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Trelleborg Ridderkerk B.V. | ceewietre | martin.van.der.jagt@trelleborg.com | Martin | van der Jagt | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Tron Future Tech Inc. | yujwantro | yw@tronfuturetech.com | Yu-Jiu | Wang | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TrueOcean | true5398 | nba@trueocean.io | Natalia | Bueno Alonso | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TSE Induction Bending | TSEI3572 | tse@tse-sa.com | Eduard | Soriano | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TSP | shtsp | zhouxin@shtsp.com | mia | zhou | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TSR WIND | TSRW7946 | s.jimenez@tsrwind.com | Sandra | Jiménez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TSR Wind | yolcabtra | y.perez@tsrwind.com | Yolanda | Pérez Caballero | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Turbine Controls Ltd | Chris Rees | chrisr@tcluk.net | Christopher | Rees | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Turbit | turbit | m.tegtmeier@turbit.de | Michael | Tegtmeier | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Turkish Offshore Wind Energy Association | Turkish Offshore Wind Energy Association | murat.dura@dured.org | Murat | Durak | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TURKISH WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION | burcak.polat@tureb.com.tr | burcak.polat@tureb.com.tr | Burçak | Polat | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TÜV SÜD | madbhltuv | madeline.boehler@tuvsud.com | Madeline | Böhler | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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TYPSA | TYPS2592 | scsegura@typsa.es | SALVADOR | CAMARASA SEGURA | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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U-Sens Energy | U-Sens | huseyin.alsan@u-sens.com | Hüseyin | Alsan | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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UFI FILTERS HYDRAULICS SPA | UFI FILTERS HYDRAULICS SPA | alessandra.baronchelli@it.ufifilters.com | Alessandra | Baronchelli | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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UK Energy Transition Pavilion (Energy Industries Council) | camtewuke | camilla.tew@the-eic.com | camilla | tew | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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UK Group Pavilion | ukgr8663 | Garth.Halliday@RenewableUK.com | Garth | Halliday | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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UL Solutions | carenduli | Carsten.Ender@ul.com | Carsten | Ender | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Uniper Renewables | unip7632 | josephin.epping@uniper.energy | Josephin | Epping | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Univers | baze8634 | avneet.kaur@univers.com | Avneet | Kaur | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Uptime International | uptime25 | hugo.oyen@uptime.no | Hugo | Øyen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ursuit drysuits | saujan1 | sauli.jankari@ursuit.com | Sauli | Jankari | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Utopus Insights | Deepak Prabhu | sonu.munshi@utopusinsights.com | Sonu | Munshi | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Vaisala | learster | Laura.Lear@vaisala.com | Laura | Lear | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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VALECO | Valeco | angelinevalat@groupevaleco.com | Angeline | VALAT LUCIDO | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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VALOREM MARINE SOLUTIONS | annmolval | anne-france.molusson@valorem-energie.com | anne | MOLUSSON | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Van Oord | marlot.keij | marlot.keijnemans@vanoord.com | Marlot | Keijnemans | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Vattenfall AB | diavrivat | diane.vrielmann@vattenfall.de | Diane | Vrielmann | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Venfluc | krimikven | kkm@venfluc.com | Kristian Kousgaard | Mikkelsen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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VENSYS | sabbauven | s.baumann@vensys.de | Sabrina | Baumann | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ventolines | dslooff | ducoslooff@ventolines.nl | Duco | Slooff | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Venturetec Rotating Systems | stekopven | stephanie.kopf@venturetec.de | Stephanie | Kopf | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Vestas | crirueves | cahac@vestas.com | Camilla | Harbo Christensen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Vestfind | vest8528 | Fredrik@vestfind.com | Fredrik | Andrén-Sandberg | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Vinci Virtual Reality Inc | vinc3527 | ewu@vinci-vr.com | Eagle | Wu | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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VIRLAB - Vibration and shock testing laboratory | virl5663 | dagote@virlab.es | Denis | Agote | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Volacom | margeovol | martin.georgiev@volacom.com | Martin | Georgiev | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Voliro | voliro | lz@voliro.com | Laurent | Zimmerli | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Voltiq | Joost | joost.samsom@voltiq.com | Joost | Samsom | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Vortex FdC | vortexfdc | patricia.puig@vortexfdc.com | Patricia | Puig Alcoriza | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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VORTEX QINGDAO CO.,LTD. | leixuvor | xulei@shlongwind.com | Lei | Xu | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Vos Prodect Innovations | cagayg1 | cagayg@vos-prodect.com | Cagatay | Aygar | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Vryhof | neischvry | neil.schulz@vryhof.com | Neil | Schulz | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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VSB Holding GmbH | VSB Group | susann.paris@vsb.energy | Susann | Paris | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Vuyk Engineering Rotterdam BV | VuykEngineering | sa.stolk@vuykrotterdam.com | Stefan | Stolk | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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vvind.io / Creative Agency Ensemble | vvind | janne.huhtala@ensemble.fi | Janne | Huhtala | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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WAB | lauplewab | laura.plewinski@wab.net | Laura | Plewinski | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wabtec Charging & Power Transfer | WTCPT | DHilbers@Wabtec.com | Doris | Hilbers | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wallaby Boats GmbH | wallabyboats | media@wallaby-boats.de | Manuela | Steinke | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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WavEC Offshore Renewables | wavec_offshore | janete.goncalves@wavec.org | Janete | Goncalves | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Weather Guard Lightning Tech | Valerie Hall | valerie.hall@wglightning.com | Valerie | Hall | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Weathernews Scandinavia | heijenwea | heidi@wni.com | Heidi Roennow | Jensen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Weidmüller | weid8989 | laia.poyatos@weidmueller.com | Laia | Poyatos | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Weidmüller | Weidmüller | kathrin.hellwig@weidmueller.com | Kathrin | Hellwig | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Weidmüller Denmark | Weidmuller Danmark | jensjorgen.jensen@weidmueller.com | Jens Jørgen | Jensen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Welcon A/S | grymanwel | gm@welcon.dk | Gry | Månsson | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Western Constructions | alekobwes | a.kobrisov@blrt.ee | Aleksandr | Kobrissov | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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WFS | johgibwfs | john.gibbs@wfs-tech.com | John | Gibbs | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Whiffle | Tasneem | tasneem.hooghart@whiffle.nl | Tasneem | Hooghart | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Whiffle B.V. | WhiffleWindEurope | tasneem.hooghart@whiffle.nl | Tasneem | Hooghart | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Whittaker Group | murraywhittaker | awatt@whittakereng.com | Alison | Watt | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wibe Group | wibe9957 | antonina.kovalskaia@wibe-group.com | Antonina | Kovalskaia | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wilson Walton International | alevelwil | avela@wilsonwaltoninternational.com | Alejandra | Vela | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wind Energy Basque Country (Basque Energy Cluster) | mirfra3 | mgonzalez@clusterenergia.com | Marta | Gonzalez | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wind Infinity AG | harlowwin | harry@windinfinity.com | Harry | Low | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wind Power LAB | Mille Beck Klintø | mbk@windpowerlab.com | Mille | Beck Klintø | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wind Service HUB | whub3426 | rg@windservicehub.com | Rubén Darío | González Cuadrado | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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WIND-ON | Nihat Tonguc | nt@wind-on.com | Nihat | Tonguc | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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WINDAR | Windar2018off | lprieto@windar-renovables.com | Leticia | Prieto | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Windcat Workboats International B.V. | marwhiwin | mwhitehead@windcatworkboats.com | Mark | Whitehead | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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windcomp GmbH | abdnitwin | a.nitardy@windcomp.de | Abdullah | Nitardy | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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WindEnergy Hamburg | julglaham | julia.glawe@hamburg-messe.de | Julia | Glawe | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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WindESCo | lauhowwin | lhoward@windesco.com | Lauren | Howard | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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WindEurope | weur7646 | mia.dragojlovic@windeurope.org | Aleksandra | Nowak test tst | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
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WindEurope | mikeltest1 | mikel.morillo@windeurope.org | Mikel | Morillo | Active | Edit | View | Manage Stands | Delete |
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Windpower Monthly | katbeshay | kay.bessent@haymarket.com | Kay | Bessent | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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WIndscope | joedonnelly | joedonnelly@windscope.com | joseph | donnelly | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Windtechnic Engineering | WindtechnicBilbao | amalanda@windtechnic.com | AINHOA | MALANDA | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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WindTest | WindTest | joana.bertrand@windeurope.org | Joana | Bertrand | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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windtest grevenbroich gmbh | Ellen Hahn | ellen.hahn@windtest-nrw.de | Ellen | Hahn | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wirescan AS | Wirescan | ts@wirescan.no | Tatjana Alexa | Sadyrina | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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WISE Group - Automasjon & Data | jas01 | jas@automasjon.no | Jon Arne | Silgjerd | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wison Offshore & Marine | Wison Energies | huangliyan@wison.com | Liyan | Huang | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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WISON Offshore Marine | WISON | huoluona@wison.com | LUONA | HUO | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wölfel Wind Systems GmbH & Co. KG | Wölfel Wind Systems | stahl@woelfel.de | Mona | Stahl | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wood | wood9967 | debbi.limond@woodplc.com | Debbi | Limond | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wood Mackenzie | Wood MACKENZIE | jo.bankole@woodmac.com | Jo | Bankole | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables | wood4586 | Chloe.Holden@woodmac.com | Chloe | Holden | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Wootis SA | woot6647 | sarantidou@wootis.gr | Eirini | Sarantidou | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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World Forum Offshore Wind (WFO) | gunher1 | gunnar.herzig@wfo-global.org | Gunnar | Herzig | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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wpd GmbH | densie1 | d.siebert@wpd.de | Denise | Siebert | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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WPO | wpop9633 | serge.giacomo@wpo.eu | Serge | Giacomo | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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www.nwea.nl | NWEA2025 | brennus.vanos@nwea.nl | Brennus | Van Os Van Den Abeelen | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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X1 Wind | mauscaexp | mauro.bianco@x1wind.com | Mauro | Bianco Scagliarini | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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X1 Wind | X1 Wind | mauro.bianco@x1wind.com | Mauro | Bianco Scagliarini | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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XOCEAN | XOCEAN | claire.quinn@xocean.com | Claire | Quinn | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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XOCEAN | XOCEAN2023 | carol.fitzgerald@xocean.com | Carol | Fitzgerald | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ymer Technology | elsfab1 | elfa@ymer.com | Elsebeth | Faber | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Youwind Renewables | Youwind Renewables | jrv@youwindrenewables.com | Jesús | Ramos Valdivia | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Zephy-Science | aziu8883 | nicolas.fatras@aziugo.com | Nicolas | Fatras | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ZEROEMISSION | Raffypiac | raffaella.piacentini@a151.eu | raffaella | piacentini | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ZEVIT | zevit | anders@zevit.net | Anders | Hvashøj | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ZF Wind Power | zffr3236 | waldemar.witulski@zf.com | Waldemar | Witulski | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ZHOUSHAN ZHENGYUAN STANDARD PARTS CO., LTD. | leixuzho | xulei@shlongwind.com | Lei | Xu | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ZOPF Energieanlagen GmbH | zopf8469 | leibhan@zopf-energie.de | Thorsten | Leibhan | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ZRB Janicki | przdejzrb | p.dejneka@janicki.com.pl | Przemysław | Dejneka | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ZTT Submarine Cable | ZTT Submarine Cable | espe.wang@zttcable.com | Espe | Wang | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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ZX Lidars | MiaPiccoli | Mia.Piccoli@zxlidars.com | Mia | Piccoli | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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Ørsted | wesrst | MATAN@orsted.com | Mathias | Ahnfeldt | Inactive | Edit | View | Manage Stands  Delete |
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